Nathalie Elisabeth Brilliant

Spiritual & Physical Healing Workshop
April 23rd, 1-3 PM
Yogabeach SF
It is only with the heart that one can see
rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
-Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Trauma can be reduced to anything from stress and anxiety to larger traumatic occurrences. The first Noble Truth states that we are all suffering, This workshop will focus on how we can recognize our own suffering and through recognizing and becoming witness to it, expand our consciousness and love from within our body uniting to the cosmos and beyond.
This workshop will focus on ways to heal spiritually and physically. The workshop will begin with a guided meditation incorporating visual imagery, spirit animals, and aspects of Yoga Nidra. Creative and reflective writing exercises will be weaved throughout the workshop. Somatic experiencing exercises to understand your felt sense, or bodily experience, will also be explored. By tracking emotion in the body you will be able to recognize where you store emotion in your body, which will guide you in learning how to release and unstick negative emotion and traumatic experience inviting the crystal of flow and love into our lives.
The workshop will close with a silent walk holding a red yarn to Ocean Beach where we will close in a circle ritual. The ritual will utilize fire, a shakuhachi flute played by Jenae from TeloMirror, and sacred elements to burn away things that are no longer serving us to open to presence, love and healing transformation. While still on the beach, we will seal our practice and intentions with a short meditation sprinkled with the magic and healing abilities of Reiki. We will then return silently holding the red yarn to YogaBeach studio where the workshop will end.